10wc (…but where did it go? she shouted…)

Charlotte was helping her mum carry stuff to the car because they were moving houses. Charlotte’s  mum wanted her to go get  the picture of her dad before he left for war but it was missing, so Charlotte told her mum and they both went to go see what happened.  Once they got to the hall where the picture was meant to be, Charlotte saw that the picture was back and then said in her head, “but where did it go?” she shouted in her head. Charlotte’s mum left the house leaving Charlotte to rot into a pile of dust.

10 things about me!

  1. My parents were never married
  2. I love dying my hair purple ( the tips of my hair)
  3. I had a extra bone in my left foot and about 4 years later I had to have surgery
  4. I have 13 pets
  5. I was taught how to ski by a Olympic skier
  6. I was named after a famous actor for the movie transformers
  7.  I have lived in 6 houses
  8. I have 6 people living in my house right now
  9. I have 3 friends that are in high school
  10.  I have 1 sister

The Box ( 100wc )

One day my mum and me were having a garage sail and my mum wanted me to bring a box full of photos out on to the table outside but it was heaver than I expected my mum could not even lift it so we had to get dad to tow it outside but the weird thing was there was only one photo in the box. The photo was of my mum and dad at there weeding day, the only thing was there weeding was at night and sitting behind my dad was a pair or red eyes.

The end

Growth mind set vs Fixed mindset

A growth mind set is where you think you can do anything, where you re-think things, you keep trying when you get something wrong that is a growth mind set where a fixed mind set is say stuff to your self like, no I cant do this its to hard or when you have written a 3 page S.A. and you think you have not done enough. So as you can see a growth mind set is very different to a fixed mind set.

The Yellow Bike 100wc #20

There once was a little boy named jack and he was looking for an adventure. He was a around the neighbourhood and saw a hill with a singular power pole on it and thought of something funny and once he had done it he would be remembered for a long time. Jack rode his bike up to the rope of the hill and found some string on the ground. He tied his front wheel to the power pole and then painted his bike yellow. after he had don’t that he wrote his name o the power pole and went home.

That was my summer

That was my summer


Remember that shock of summer

When you shot the gun at the small target and thought

You hit the bullseye, but went up and saw it was not even near?

That was summer.


Remember that time you had an all nighter with your 

Best friend and then their mum woke up and you were both 

Cracking up laughing?

That was summer.


Remember going to the lake with friends

When you were kayaking and they all tipped you over

Into the freezing water?

That was summer.


Remember that day when it was the 25th of December

And you were awake at 6am in the morning because you were

So excited to open presents?

That was summer.


Remember that night on the 31st of December at 11:59pm and 

you are so excited for the big fireworks and the massive celebration

At 12:00am?

That was summer!


By Shya

my 2021

 I am excited for a lot of stuff in 2021 but the things I am most excited for is, my sisters birthday on the 17th of February because I made all the decorations and can’t wait to see them all hung up. I am also exited for tech and the cooking and art plus the wood work in tech because it sounds fun and I cant wait to make something. At the first day of school I was really exited for the year 7’s from room 2 to come into room 1 (my class).

By Shya